About Me

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My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stand Up

Hello Everyone,

I have had so much on my mind that I could not pick what to talk about. The past couple weeks I have heard nothing but complaints, grumbles, back biting, gossiping, and much more. Nothing positive has surfaced the atmosphere. I have to take some credit too, for I also have fallen in and out of the pit as well. Sometimes I get around other so called "Christians" and they are worst than the atheist and other non-believers! That just astound me! I work in a place where there is no positive thinking everything is surrounded by bad, worse, and OMg how could you! So much strife among people, so much danger in our faces, and people constantly playing with fire daily.

I guess this will be a blog of me venting about my job, although I will not say names or places I will just vent my thoughts. 

The people I interact with on a daily aren't your average "people pleasers" they have a wonderful way of smiling in your face and talking about you right to your face! Also this place is a place of war. I tell my friends all the time about how everyday for 40 hours a week I go work in Hell(the place) to hear all types of stories, to see all kinds of unrighteous things, and to be alone in a crowd of evil.( I truly can say I do not want to repeat this life lesson or test God is putting me through right now. )

I just do not understand where the morality has gone, almost everyone there lacks morality and ethical background. I do not understand how blessed people can have such corrupt hearts. Now, grant it, I do not know their real hearts for that is God's to judge, but He gave us eyes to see what lies in front of us. Like the saying if it looks like a dog, acts like a dog, and barks like a dog it is more than likely a dog. The same goes for our judgement upon others. We can only judge based on the fruit people bear, where as, God judges on matters of the heart. (Oh I thank God for that!) I am so sick of our people and by our people I mean the human race (not color, or preference) for their labels and spiteful comments. My mother always taught me if you cannot say anything nice then do not say anything at all. A motto that was hard as a child to pick up but now as an I adult I understand what she was saying. Why is it so hard to accept people for who they are? Hmm wow a lesson that hits home. Really how can people just talk about each other any type of way where are their conscious'? 

I am going to get off my soap box in just a second, but i just want to say that people never know. You never know what that person had been dealing with before they came to work or even in their lifetime. So do not point fingers because it could have easily been you. Guidance is key in this rant. Having the correct guidance can move you up rather than keep you down. God's guidance is the best even though it is not easy it still is a joy to learn. My people stop letting small things get to you and be the example. be the example of saying NO! 
Say NO to:
-The Gossip
-The back biting
-Assaulting with fists and tongues!
-The Complaints or Complainers
Stand up for a change and take charge, I know it's not easy. I get ridiculed all the time and catch labels left and right. "Shes a church girl", "Shes too holy for me", "I forgot you're a good girl", "You're a goody goody" trust me I understand the labels and name bashing. I go through it way more than just daily. But I am a follower of Christ and a child to the most high God! The one and only and for that it is worth it...For in the shadows of the names someone is watching...someone is caring...someone is wanting...to feel the love that you feel from the Father! I love you and I pray this is a blessing to you and that you would share it. Remember Be the Example!

Hope this blesses you...If so Share it, Like it, Comment on it, or just READ IT! 

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