About Me

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My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Special Delivery for YOU!

Hello Everyone,
The Holidays are right around the corner and winter's chill is right over our shoulders.(I love it!) Today I went for a very well needed walk. I have been gaining the "newlywed 15". Anyway I was out for a walk,  was listening to some music, and was admiring the neighborhood. It's not lush and fabulous, but it is home to many of us here. I could smell the scent of Christmas with every stride. The joy and fun that comes with that holiday. 

Gifts are welcome during this lovely time as well, but what happens when you do not recognize your gift? This question seemed to cross my mind while I was grocery shopping with my husband a couple days ago. We are a very young couple, but do not let our age fool you. We love cereal and we enjoy Cheerios and Raisin Bran Crunch...(enough said about us having old souls) Well to save money we buy off brand and we were looking for the off brand and could not find it for weeks! This, of course, upset us. We searched and had to make exceptions for other cereals since we could not find our favorite. Long story- short, We were in the store the other day and my husband found Raisin Bran Crunch (the off brand, of course)! They had changed the packaging the cereal came in so we did not recognize it. 

So that leads me back to the question mentioned earlier. What happens when you do not recognize your gift? What happens in the meantime of finding your gift? What do you turn to fill that spot? Of course nothing will completely fill your desire, but what makes it content? This has happened to me, actually recently. (my story) I was a praise dance teacher, learning new forms of dance, and was about to start my fitness class and then almost in an instant things fell apart. I had "dancers" block for my fitness class (before it even started), could not afford dance lessons or the gas, and the dance ministry became a shameful mess. It was heart wrenching. Tears are forming right now just thinking about it. I had a plethora of turmoil aimed at me and everything around me crumbled right before my eyes! Not a very positive message for such a young lady who just wanted to praise God through dance and teach others how to do the same. BUT GOD always has a plan. When roads seem cracked and worn. When hearts are sorrowful and scorned. God always had, has, and will have a plan! 

In this time of utter silence I have noticed I have yet another skill, writing. I have always written in journals, diaries, poems, etc..But never a blog. God will show us things when we sit and listen. So the answer to my question is this, when you do not recognize your gift stop and search. When I dropped everything I was ashamed because I had nothing to offer God. No works, talents, no passion, but I dove in and began to learn about Him. I began to read His word, take notes during church sermons and just prayed (talked to Him). Learning of His love, and His many blessings, nudged me to writing about it! (hence my blog) I still have a gift. It is just wrapped in a different package. Not saying that I will never dance again, but saying that God is a God of creation. Look to Him for that special gift inside of YOU! It may have been there all along staring you in your face! (Praise Break) 
Lord I love you and I thank you so highly!!! You are  speaking to me as I type and it is amazing because I was taking this message another way, but You always have a plan that succeeds our little plans! 

Hope this blesses you....I cannot tell you how blessed I am from this!! Woo God is awesome.

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