About Me

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My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Choice of Rejection

As I watch the sky change from orange to pink and finally to blue, I notice a sign of a new days journey. I have been up since 3 A.M and watching movies in relation to the 1800's and times  of love and wealth. When people chose to marry for wealth and those who chose for love often were not wealthy. The movie really encouraged me to write down my thoughts. To be honest, it is sad how I wanted to write but I didn't know what would strike interest. Then I though to myself why does it matter what strikes others interest, when this is about me! I struggle with this thought and idea of myself such as: "No on wants to hear what I have to say", "No one cares of my ideas or thoughts",and "Who would ever find interest in my blog". I struggled with this the past couple of days...until I came to the conclusion...
God cares for me way more than anyone else, my friends(the real ones) care for me and my thoughts, those who feel as I do should have the opportunity to hear these thoughts as well. I would be lying if I said I do not check to see how many followers I have on the daily, or how I am too afraid of rejection to write; when in the end all God's people go through rejection!

 I have been rejected a lot through life not only by MYSELF, but by family members, friends(fake ones), outsiders, and even strangers! The worse feeling is that of family. You think to yourself, these people(family) raised me, taught me everything I know. How do you tell them no, or that God has another path for me? How? Does anyone have an answer? 
God shows us in his word that our parents are here to help guide and nurture us. What happens when they are no where to be found? When they turn their backs? When they leave and never return? And when they shun your opinions, ideas, thoughts, and motives? It's not an easy task to move on without them, for you feel in the wrong for leaving them behind. What do you do when it is time to move forward, but your emotions are not ready.This question comes to mind, "Are our emotions ever ready?" Are we ever ready to take on the load and leave things or people we care about behind? I surely was not. Actually I was more forced to make decisions and it became a total disaster! The decisions were made by me but out of guilt and pleasing others. I simply made decisions to shut people up! God was looked to for help, but as most situations He was taking entirely too long with answering, while I had people down my throat waiting for a decision! I do not regret my decisions or choices, for had I not taken that route I never would have become the strong willed, back bone having, loving, and Jesus following young lady I am today! 

Life is full of choices. Right choices, Bad choices, meaningful, meaningless, emotional, rational...you get my drift..God can help us make better choices, for He created us, and He would not have created us if he did not have a plan. BUT He gives us the choice to lean on His understanding not our own...so I guess the real choice of the matter is following Him. I am learning to wait on Him for my answers not to succumb to this world and peoples pleasures! I pray you do the same and make decisions for yourself not because of others. That is one of God's greatest gifts to man, Choice!  

I hope this has blessed you...My spirit is already leaping!


  1. great blog... i understand what it means to be pressured into a decision!! but you are absolutely correct. the choice should always be mine, with the help and guidance of God!

  2. It's funny when you can read your own blog over and over and over again and still feel the words!!! Only God!
