About Me

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My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sick not Stuck

Hello Again,

Hope your week is going better than mine! We all know the saying, "if it's not one thing it's another" right? Well I am having that same feeling this week. No, I'm not letting it get the best of me but I am not praying as hard as a I should. Well let's do a quick recap of the past week since I last blogged...

Had a bad week last week at work, Church was awesome on Sunday, This new week of work isn't too bad, but I also am sick with allergies and sinus pressure. So I'm not really tip top shape! I am however still on fire for God! 

He is still a wonderful, giving, nourishing, comforting, strong tower of a friend! I love Him so. I am currently reading in Isaiah and it is not looking to good for Egypt, Ethiopia, etc...God is angry with His people because they continue to worship man made idols and other things not pertaining to Him. Even God has a cut off point! There are only so many times God will stand by and let you do so much evil. He is sending the prophet Isaiah in to tell the people to warn them. The people of Israel are not paying him any attention, thus God is punishing with an iron fist! Now, on the brighter side of His anger He is sparing the believers of Him. One thing about God that never fails, is His people will always come out on top! 

I love Him so much, take some time out to just say thank you! Hope this blesses you, I am already feeling better! 

1 comment:

  1. love this blog.... trying not to put man made objects over my God is one of the things i deal with.. But i am starting to see that with out God, these man made things will not even be in my possession
