Made Anew In God's Eyes
Thoughts of an average Christian...
About Me

- M.A.I.G.E
- My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
For those wondering where I moved to, for those that would like to follow me there. It is more convenient for me to be on word press. Again MAIGE's New Blog
Friday, June 1, 2012
When pain breaks into your home and your valuables are being stolen by grief, stress, and disappointment it can put a lot on your mind. So much to even stop you from resting. How do I know because I am experiencing that as we speak. So many things in life get us down and we, as humans, tend to have more bad days than good ones. It is all apart of life most would say, but as a believer in Jesus, I tend to believe something else is going on.
There is more than just what meets the eye. There is more to life than just the everyday job, bills, and sleep. There has to be, for if this were how God wanted it to be then we would enjoy doing nothing else but work, sleep and bills. God did not send his son Jesus to have us work until death. He sent His Son to die for us that way we could have LIFE! Be able to live freely and enjoy what we do in life. It is easy to submit to the work 8 or 12 hours and pay bills and enjoy a little of life when you can. I believe that even though it is hard we should not bow down to defeat! We have soo much going for ourselves. God created us for so much more than what we see. Even though you may feel stuck and at a crossroads between life and LIFE. Remember that God made you for soooo much more!
Hope this blesses you...........
There is more than just what meets the eye. There is more to life than just the everyday job, bills, and sleep. There has to be, for if this were how God wanted it to be then we would enjoy doing nothing else but work, sleep and bills. God did not send his son Jesus to have us work until death. He sent His Son to die for us that way we could have LIFE! Be able to live freely and enjoy what we do in life. It is easy to submit to the work 8 or 12 hours and pay bills and enjoy a little of life when you can. I believe that even though it is hard we should not bow down to defeat! We have soo much going for ourselves. God created us for so much more than what we see. Even though you may feel stuck and at a crossroads between life and LIFE. Remember that God made you for soooo much more!
Hope this blesses you...........
Monday, April 23, 2012
Grow Up In Him
Why are people so concerned about things that simply do not matter!!!!! I become weary every time people become distracted by this word!
People, do you not remember that we are IN this world not OF it! For this world is carnal (tangible)and the people of this world are carnal minded (Have to sense it). We must break that thought of everything that binds us here. We have a purpose. I see people growing confused and lost because they are following others examples. Jesus is your example to follow. What happened to Jesus being our role model. We look to preachers, pastors, prophets, idols, money, churches, clothes, fashion, accessories, cars, shoes and many other tangible things to give us hope, strength, peace, happiness, and etc., but what happened to Jesus!
He came here as a living, LIVING sacrifice so that all will know Him! Why do people forget so easily! (I am talking to myself too) Things overwhelm us in life and instead of going to the ULTIMATE fixer we look towards temporary fixes! God is the only fix! We numb our pain with drugs, alcohol, work, journals, books, games, and anything we do to get away from the pain. Jesus told us the answer to our misery is only one way. The path to healing is narrow and a seldom few make it through, but people do make it through! Why take the temporary fix when you can have an everlasting solution?
I have witnessed our young men being swallowed up by these worldly impressions that are destroying their being! Truly destructive! People can you see the pain you are causing YOURSELF! I am not even talking about God's pain, but I am talking about your own! You are constantly destroying your bodies, your temples! The difference about our generations and bible generations is that they did not have the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) within them. They could do evil things and not be held so high for them because the spirit of God was not flowing inside of them. Before Jesus left this world He gave us a gift so that we could have guidance still while He was away from this world. That gift is the His Holy Spirit which flow within our vessels, and because of this gift we cannot do just anything to our bodies! People, heed the warnings and understand the TRUTH!
We are vessels remember that! We are living and breathing only because God breathed into us! Without God you are nothing, you are simply dirt that moves! Remember without the Creator there would be no creation! God loves you quit stabbing Him in the face, grow up in Him!
People, do you not remember that we are IN this world not OF it! For this world is carnal (tangible)and the people of this world are carnal minded (Have to sense it). We must break that thought of everything that binds us here. We have a purpose. I see people growing confused and lost because they are following others examples. Jesus is your example to follow. What happened to Jesus being our role model. We look to preachers, pastors, prophets, idols, money, churches, clothes, fashion, accessories, cars, shoes and many other tangible things to give us hope, strength, peace, happiness, and etc., but what happened to Jesus!
He came here as a living, LIVING sacrifice so that all will know Him! Why do people forget so easily! (I am talking to myself too) Things overwhelm us in life and instead of going to the ULTIMATE fixer we look towards temporary fixes! God is the only fix! We numb our pain with drugs, alcohol, work, journals, books, games, and anything we do to get away from the pain. Jesus told us the answer to our misery is only one way. The path to healing is narrow and a seldom few make it through, but people do make it through! Why take the temporary fix when you can have an everlasting solution?
I have witnessed our young men being swallowed up by these worldly impressions that are destroying their being! Truly destructive! People can you see the pain you are causing YOURSELF! I am not even talking about God's pain, but I am talking about your own! You are constantly destroying your bodies, your temples! The difference about our generations and bible generations is that they did not have the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) within them. They could do evil things and not be held so high for them because the spirit of God was not flowing inside of them. Before Jesus left this world He gave us a gift so that we could have guidance still while He was away from this world. That gift is the His Holy Spirit which flow within our vessels, and because of this gift we cannot do just anything to our bodies! People, heed the warnings and understand the TRUTH!
We are vessels remember that! We are living and breathing only because God breathed into us! Without God you are nothing, you are simply dirt that moves! Remember without the Creator there would be no creation! God loves you quit stabbing Him in the face, grow up in Him!
Don't just look, Read
Don't just Read, Comprehend
Don't just Comprehend, Understand
Don't just Understand, Learn
Don't just Learn, Apply
Apply and repeat the process
Now, you are growing.
Blessing unto you(you have a purpose, you are not a waste!)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
It has truly been a minute since I have written, for those that read faithfully, I do apologize. What is on my heart will not be long, but it will be said. *Praise Report: School is going amazingly great and things are falling into place*
Have you ever had hunger pains? A pain you receive in your stomach when it has been too long since you last eaten. I have a hunger pain but it is not within my stomach or my bodily organs it is within my spirit. I have a keen sense in my spirit that I need to prepare. Your stomach tells you when it is time to eat, just as your spirit will tell you when it is time to nourish it.
If we do not feed ourselves the proper nutrients when we need then our body will stop functioning, causing faint, illness, and many other outcomes. The same goes for our spirits. When we don't feed it the nutrients it requires (reading our word and prayer) it tends to shut down, which can create confusion, disorder, and other things as well.
By now you are probably thinking, where is she going with this? It is simple, when we have questions we ask, when we need insight we ask, when we are lost we in all these things (and possibly more) we simply ask, but one benefit that we have being God's children is that He gives us the answers. What? God gives us the answers, you say? Yes, it is in our word, The Bible. The more we read, the more we learn, the more we learn the more we know, the more we know, the more options we have, and the more options we have the more opportunities we have to be an exemplary Christian.
When we read He will open doors of knowledge & understanding. It may not make sense all at first but pray and He will show you the way. Many of you (including myself) need to nourish your body, I am telling you once you begin and have a discipline about it, you will not want to stop. Trust me on that one, I made a commitment to read the entire Bible and I am currently in Luke. I have a hunger to continue and finish. Once I started learning and understanding the plans God has for His people I could not put the book down. (you can ask my husband if you don't believe
I challenge you to make a commitment, it doesn't have to be as huge as mine, but make one. Whether it is to read a chapter a day of proverbs or just one verse, do something that will get God's attention and show that you want to know more of Him and in return He will show you more of Him and also yourself.
Hope this has blessed you
Have you ever had hunger pains? A pain you receive in your stomach when it has been too long since you last eaten. I have a hunger pain but it is not within my stomach or my bodily organs it is within my spirit. I have a keen sense in my spirit that I need to prepare. Your stomach tells you when it is time to eat, just as your spirit will tell you when it is time to nourish it.
If we do not feed ourselves the proper nutrients when we need then our body will stop functioning, causing faint, illness, and many other outcomes. The same goes for our spirits. When we don't feed it the nutrients it requires (reading our word and prayer) it tends to shut down, which can create confusion, disorder, and other things as well.
By now you are probably thinking, where is she going with this? It is simple, when we have questions we ask, when we need insight we ask, when we are lost we in all these things (and possibly more) we simply ask, but one benefit that we have being God's children is that He gives us the answers. What? God gives us the answers, you say? Yes, it is in our word, The Bible. The more we read, the more we learn, the more we learn the more we know, the more we know, the more options we have, and the more options we have the more opportunities we have to be an exemplary Christian.
When we read He will open doors of knowledge & understanding. It may not make sense all at first but pray and He will show you the way. Many of you (including myself) need to nourish your body, I am telling you once you begin and have a discipline about it, you will not want to stop. Trust me on that one, I made a commitment to read the entire Bible and I am currently in Luke. I have a hunger to continue and finish. Once I started learning and understanding the plans God has for His people I could not put the book down. (you can ask my husband if you don't believe
I challenge you to make a commitment, it doesn't have to be as huge as mine, but make one. Whether it is to read a chapter a day of proverbs or just one verse, do something that will get God's attention and show that you want to know more of Him and in return He will show you more of Him and also yourself.
Hope this has blessed you
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Bound to be Free
So almost forty days ago I made a commitment that I would not curse. Well, that lasted all of 30 minutes and then I had to ask God if I could do a forty days of understanding and working on ceasing to curse. I do not really know if he agrees but it working out for me. My friend knew I was struggling and came upon a book titled The Witchcraft behind Profanity by Kenneth Scott. I have been reading this book over the past forty days and it has helped a great deal.
I have learned the meanings behind the words and learned how it begins and so much more. I am truly thankful for this book. Now, I am not saying I have stopped cursing all together, that would be a miracle, but I have lowered my cursing to less than five a day. There are some days that I haven't cursed at all and others where I have to deeply repent for I now understand the meanings. Knowledge of something it a great thing to have. Having some knowledge about cursing is actually helping me to stop cursing.
It is amazing to see what can change just from the understanding that God grants. If you are struggling with something learn how to let it go. Sometimes they are so deep rooted(learned about this in the book as well) that we do not understand why we say them and then they become habitual. Break the chains that have you bound, for Jesus died for you so you could be free. I am a breathing vessel and I can tell you it is not easy breaking old habits but the more you try and learn the less you will do it.
I pray that God will reveal something inside of you that needs to be fixed, it may not be as bad as my habit or it may be worse, but with God all things are possible. If you do things to better yourself for His sake then He shall direct your paths. I thank God for my best friend, who gave me this book. I pray all your chains will be loosed in Jesus' name!
Hope this has blessed you.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Not about YOU
A conversation at work about disciplining children; whether is was right or wrong, how much or how little, and the difference between discipline and abuse. In America, it is a testy subject to talk about, because there are so many mixed views, but one view always stands alone which is the Bible.
In the Bible there is a verse that says, "He that spareth the rod hateth his son; but he that loveth his son chasteneth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24 KJV) The NLT reads, "Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them"
It is explained that disciplining is an act of love. As children it is our parents responsibility to discipline us, but after we move out and become adults many think the disciplinary period of their life is over; which brings me to my point. Once you're an adult who disciplines you? We have many people to enforce laws, but who really disciplines is God.
Lately I have been under his disciplining hand, because every message I hear is about something I have been doing and every where I turn I am being disciplined whether at work, at home, even in school. It is not easy to take in so much criticism, but I need to in order to do His will. I would like to throw in the towel and give in, but something inside of me just wont let me. A hunger has been placed inside my spirit and I hunger for knowledge, food, His word, inspiring words and His wisdom. I cannot explain it and it is kind of getting on my nerves.
I have to remember to "stay the course" as Tony Dungy said in his book, Quiet Strength. When it is all said and done, it is not about me (or you) It is all about His people and His kingdom. It sounds so selfish, but we are called to be His servants to help those in need and do His will.
I am going to continue to stay the course, even though this task is, by far, one of the hardest tasks I have ever taken, I am going to take the whippings now and OBEY (as my husband would say). For His (God's) glory not mine, because IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!
Hope this blessed you...
In the Bible there is a verse that says, "He that spareth the rod hateth his son; but he that loveth his son chasteneth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24 KJV) The NLT reads, "Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them"
It is explained that disciplining is an act of love. As children it is our parents responsibility to discipline us, but after we move out and become adults many think the disciplinary period of their life is over; which brings me to my point. Once you're an adult who disciplines you? We have many people to enforce laws, but who really disciplines is God.
Lately I have been under his disciplining hand, because every message I hear is about something I have been doing and every where I turn I am being disciplined whether at work, at home, even in school. It is not easy to take in so much criticism, but I need to in order to do His will. I would like to throw in the towel and give in, but something inside of me just wont let me. A hunger has been placed inside my spirit and I hunger for knowledge, food, His word, inspiring words and His wisdom. I cannot explain it and it is kind of getting on my nerves.
I have to remember to "stay the course" as Tony Dungy said in his book, Quiet Strength. When it is all said and done, it is not about me (or you) It is all about His people and His kingdom. It sounds so selfish, but we are called to be His servants to help those in need and do His will.
I am going to continue to stay the course, even though this task is, by far, one of the hardest tasks I have ever taken, I am going to take the whippings now and OBEY (as my husband would say). For His (God's) glory not mine, because IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!
Hope this blessed you...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Forgiveness, It Works!
Good Afternoon all,
It is another blissful day of being God's child. Not all my days are golden, but these two days have been and I am going to enjoy them, because all true believers know that when you get a break you cherish it for another task is coming.
I do have a praise report to give. So lately I have been working on forgiveness, basically everywhere I go including, work and relationships. Well this past Sunday I witnessed a change and some peace in my heart. I went to church and had a good time. I was able to speak and even hug people that I once could not even be in the same room with them.
When I noticed the peace flowing within me I felt awesome, and I had to thank God, because I have finally made a change within my walk with God and I am seeing a change.
So I am a living vessel saying this because I've walked it. This may seem small a task but hey I am celebrating the small victories as pastor Brady would say.
Try a little forgiveness and attach some love to it as well.
Hope this blessed you.
It is another blissful day of being God's child. Not all my days are golden, but these two days have been and I am going to enjoy them, because all true believers know that when you get a break you cherish it for another task is coming.
I do have a praise report to give. So lately I have been working on forgiveness, basically everywhere I go including, work and relationships. Well this past Sunday I witnessed a change and some peace in my heart. I went to church and had a good time. I was able to speak and even hug people that I once could not even be in the same room with them.
When I noticed the peace flowing within me I felt awesome, and I had to thank God, because I have finally made a change within my walk with God and I am seeing a change.
So I am a living vessel saying this because I've walked it. This may seem small a task but hey I am celebrating the small victories as pastor Brady would say.
Try a little forgiveness and attach some love to it as well.
Hope this blessed you.
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