When pain breaks into your home and your valuables are being stolen by grief, stress, and disappointment it can put a lot on your mind. So much to even stop you from resting. How do I know because I am experiencing that as we speak. So many things in life get us down and we, as humans, tend to have more bad days than good ones. It is all apart of life most would say, but as a believer in Jesus, I tend to believe something else is going on.
There is more than just what meets the eye. There is more to life than just the everyday job, bills, and sleep. There has to be, for if this were how God wanted it to be then we would enjoy doing nothing else but work, sleep and bills. God did not send his son Jesus to have us work until death. He sent His Son to die for us that way we could have LIFE! Be able to live freely and enjoy what we do in life. It is easy to submit to the work 8 or 12 hours and pay bills and enjoy a little of life when you can. I believe that even though it is hard we should not bow down to defeat! We have soo much going for ourselves. God created us for so much more than what we see. Even though you may feel stuck and at a crossroads between life and LIFE. Remember that God made you for soooo much more!
Hope this blesses you...........
wow a couple months later and I cant believe I wrote this...soo good, must be shared again!