About Me

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My name is Shacora Brewster, I am a sheep to the mighty Shepherd, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a devoted friend,a co-worker, a teacher, a student, and a praise dancer 'til the end. Always remember to keep an open mind. Enjoy reading my life as I read along with you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Not about YOU

     A conversation at work about disciplining children; whether is was right or wrong, how much or how little, and the difference between discipline and abuse. In America, it is a testy subject to talk about, because there are so many mixed views, but one view always stands alone which is the Bible.
     In the Bible there is a verse that says, "He that spareth the rod hateth his son; but he that loveth his son chasteneth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24 KJV) The NLT reads, "Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them"  
     It is explained that disciplining is an act of love. As children it is our parents responsibility to discipline us, but after we move out and become adults many think the disciplinary period of their life is over; which brings me to my point. Once you're an adult who disciplines you? We have many people to enforce laws, but who really disciplines is God. 
     Lately I have been under his disciplining hand, because every message I hear is about something I have been doing and every where I turn I am being disciplined whether at work, at home, even in school. It is not easy to take in so much criticism, but I need to in order to do His will. I would like to throw in the towel and give in, but something inside of me just wont let me. A hunger has been placed inside my spirit and I hunger for knowledge, food, His word, inspiring words and His wisdom. I cannot explain it and it is kind of getting on my nerves.
      I have to remember to "stay the course" as Tony Dungy said in his book, Quiet Strength. When it is all said and done, it is not about me (or you) It is all about His people and His kingdom. It sounds so selfish, but we are called to be His servants to help those in need and do His will. 

     I am going to continue to stay the course, even though this task is, by far, one of the hardest tasks I have ever taken, I am going to take the whippings now and OBEY (as my husband would say). For His (God's) glory not mine, because IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! 

Hope this blessed you...  

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